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Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

In Termux Ruby can be installed by executing

pkg install ruby

Due to our infrastructure limits, we do not provide older versions of packages. If you accidentally upgraded to unsuitable Ruby version and do not have backups to rollback, do not complain! We recommend doing backups of $PREFIX for developers and other people who rely on specific software versions.

Package management

After installing ruby, gem package manager will be available. Here is a quick tutorial about its usage.

Installing a new gem:

gem install {package_name}

Uninstalling gem:

gem uninstall {package name}

Listing installed gems:

gem list --local

Launching a local documentation and gem repository server:

gem server

When installing Ruby gems, it is highly recommended to have a package build-essential to be installed - some gems compile native extensions during their installation.

Gem installation tips and tricks

Tip: help us to collect more information about installing Ruby gems in Termux. You can also help to keep this information up-to-date, because current instructions may eventually become obsolete.

Package Description Dependencies Special Instructions
delayed_job Database based asynchronous priority
ffi A gem for loading dynamically-linked native libraries, binding functions within them
jekyll Tool for creating static websites ruby clang make libffi
letter_opener Preview mail in the browser instead of sending
lolcat Prints rainbow colored text
mina Blazing fast application deployment tool
nokogiri XML and HTML library libxslt libiconv pkg-config gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries
paperclip Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
thin A very fast & simple Ruby web server ruby make gem install thin -- --use-system-libraries