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Revision as of 15:18, 9 July 2021 by Xeffyr (talk | contribs) (lowercase tags)
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To all prior Termux users and newcomers: Termux is not a hacking tool! Termux is not a phishing station! Termux is not account recovery machine! Termux is not a revenge cyberweapon!

Termux is not for hacking!

Termux is being developed as a tool which would be useful for Linux distributions users to perform a wide range of tasks starting from use of as shell scripting and automation tool and up to pocket development environment, typically more. This is a general purpose program and due to its nature, it is possible to use it for pentesting or, if going deeper, phishing and more nasty things.

Unfortunately, the Internet is full of worst possible Termux use cases giving no chance to discover other purposes. As result, Termux is not recognized as serious utility in mature Linux communities and that also makes problematic to attract contributors to keep the project up. Its not a secret that experienced developers do not want to participate in degrading communities of "script kiddies" with peak interest in "How to view private Instagram account" or "How to hack account of my classmate".

As commitment to stop this nonsense, we have removed packages Hashcat, Hydra, Metasploit and SQLMap from our repositories as well as disallowed requesting such packages and discussions in our Community resources regarding related topics.


aircrack-ng, airgeddon, andrax, androspy, backdoor, beef, black-hydra, bruteforce, brutex, bully, burp suite, catphish, cowpatty, cracking, cyberscan, ddos, devploit, dmitry, dsniff, eagleeye, eggshell, evilginx, exploitdb, eyewitness, faraday, firefly, fsociety, goldeneye, grabber, hakkuframework, hashcat, hidden eye, infoga, instahack, ip-tracer, johntheripper, kali linux, kismet, lazymux, lazysqlmap, maltego, malware, mdk3, mdk4, metasploit, meterpreter, mitm, mitmproxy, morpheus, msf, nethunter, nikto, osint, parrot os, password, phishing, powersploit, pwn, pyrit, reaver, red hawk, routersploit, saycheese, setoolkit, skipfish, sms bomber, socialfish, spam, spammer, spy, sql injection, sqlmap, sqlninja, sslstrip, th3inspector, thc-hydra, thc-ipv6, the-eye, thefatrat, theharvester, tool-x, trojan, virus, webscarab, websploit, weeman, wifibrutecrack, wifigod, wifi-hacker, wifiphisher, wifitap wifite, wirespy, wpscan, xerxes, xss, xsser, xsstrike, zphisher.