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termux-services contains a set of scripts for controlling services. Instead of putting commands in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, they can be started and stopped with termux-services.

Only a few packages so far contain the necessary service scripts, these are:

To install termux-services, run

pkg install termux-services

and then restart termux so that the service-daemon is started.

To then enable and run a service, run

sv-enable <service>

If you only want to run it once, run

sv up <service>

To later stop a service, run:

sv down <service>

Or to disable it

sv-disable <service>

A service is disabled if `$PREFIX/var/service/<service>/down` exists, so the `sv-enable` and `sv-disable` scripts touches, or removes, this file.

termux-services uses the programs from runit to control the services. A bunch of example scripts are available from the same site. If you find a script you want to use, or if you write your own, you can use set it up by running:

mkdir -p $PREFIX/var/service/<PKG>/log
ln -sf $PREFIX/share/termux-services/svlogger $PREFIX/var/service/<PKG>/log/run

and then put your run script for the package at $PREFIX/var/service/<PKG>/run and make sure that it is runnable.

You can then run

sv up <PKG>

to start it.

Log files for services are situated in $PREFIX/var/log/sv/<PKG>/ with the active log file named "current".

Starting termux-services on boot

If you want your services to start on device boot, see the example in Termux:Boot