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Display a system notification. Context text is read from stdin or specified using --content.


termux-notification [options]


 --action action          action to execute when pressing the notification
 --button1 text           text to show on the first notification button
 --button1-action action  action to execute on the first notification button
 --button2 text           text to show on the second notification button
 --button2-action action  action to execute on the second notification button
 --button3 text           text to show on the third notification button
 --button3-action action  action to execute on the third notification button
 --content content        contnet to show in the notification. Read from stdin not specified here.
 --id id                  notification id (will overwrite any previous notification with the same id)
 --led-color rrggbb       color of the blinking led as RRGGBB (default: none)
 --led-on milliseconds    number of milliseconds for the LED to be on while it's flashing (default: 800)
 --led-off milliseconds   number of milliseconds for the LED to be off while it's flashing (default: 800)
 --on-delete action       action to execute when the the notification is cleared
 --priority prio          notification priority (high/low/max/min/default)
 --sound                  play a sound with the notification
 --title title            notification title to show
 --vibrate pattern        vibrate pattern, comma separated as in 500,1000,200