Package Management

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Revision as of 17:29, 4 September 2017 by Auxilus (talk | contribs) (→‎Auxilus)
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Termux uses apt and dpkg for package management, similar to Ubuntu or Debian. Many quirks from Ubuntu are carried over here. Development files (cmake files) and headers are provided in a separate package with "-dev" suffix. For example: development files for apache2 package are in apache2-dev package.

Installing packages

Make sure that the local package index cache is up-to-date by running ( it is necessary to run this after installing the app )  :

apt update

To install apache2 web server:

apt install apache2

Or you can use pkg wrapper, which updates the package cache before installing:

pkg install apache2

Manually downloaded .deb files (those from official Debian or Ubuntu repos won't work!) can be installed using:

apt install ./apache2_2.4.26_arm.deb

or directly using dpkg:

dpkg -i ./apache2_2.4.26_arm.deb

Other package managers

Most programming languages have their own package manager. Everything that can be installed with such a manager isn't packaged with termux

Package Tips

Some packages are troublesome to get working or configure in Termux. Follow the individual package page to get common installation and configuration help.

If you come across any errors, make sure to post the issue at respective issues on git

metasploit-framework : [715]

If you are interested in resolving issues regarding packages, please post at and search your topic before posting to avoid duplicates, please. You might even find your question answered before asking.

Community Repositories

In addition, to the official repository, you can have other compatible repositories, too.

its-pointless (live_the_dream)

This community member hosts a repository for Termux using GitHub Pages.

This repository includes scipy, r-cran (R language), gcc-7, octave, rustc cargo, gfortran and lots of games! To add this repository, execute:

curl -L | sh

The script essentially installs gnupg on your device and downloads and adds a public key to your apt keychain ensuring that all subsequent downloads are from the same source


This repository hosted by Auxilus contains some handy tools ( more tools are yet to be added )

You can add this repository by executing following commands There is a little under-development survival manual in this repo based on Field Manual FM 3-05.70, Which you can install using apt install survival after adding the repo

apt update && upgrade 
apt install apt-transport-https
echo "deb [trusted=yes] termux extras" >> $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list
apt upgrade


This community member host some pretty cool self written apps for python. This includes cliclac enigma nox pitspy telly

Add this repo using

apt update && upgrade 
apt install apt-transport-https
echo "deb [trusted=yes] termux extras" >> $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list
apt upgrade

Package requests

Packages can be requested at

Some dos before requesting a package:

  • No other issues have been created for the same package request
  • In case of interpreter based packages (python, ruby), package is not easily installable using the custom package managers (pip, gem)
  • Hardware requirements of the package is compatible for Android 5.0+ devices
  • Packages requiring root privileges are generally discouraged, except if they can be patched to work under normal user
  • Packages in active development are favoured over long dead projects

Compiling packages

Packages for Termux are cross-compiled using build scripts ( These can be found here. To build a package, follow the instructions described in the file from that repository.

All packages available in the official package repository are built under a docker container.