Dev:Development Session 11

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Revision as of 18:04, 25 March 2019 by Xeffyr (talk | contribs)
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Agenda 2019-03-24

  • Signing each other's GPG keys.
  • Android 7 repository is nearly complete.
  • Android 7 repository automatic cleaning is configured.
  • Should we switch to the official ZLib ?
  • JFrog's position regarding custom licenses.
  • Android Q disallows execve().

Signing each other's GPG keys

Previously we decided to sign each other's GPG keys. Xeffyr and Grimler did this but Fornwall still not.

Pull request for updating GPG keys is

Android 7 repository is nearly complete

Xeffyr uploaded ARM and i686 packages. LDC and rust are missing due to build errors. x86_64 packages will be uploaded soon.

Android 7 repository automatic cleaning is configured

We have to keep previous package versions to prevent 404 errors on user's side when metadata is getting updated. We also limited on space (though limit is 30 GB) so old versions are needed to be removed periodically.

Xeffyr has configured a "scheduled pipeline" on Gitlab CI so repository will be automatically cleaned each month. Maintainers also can trigger the pipeline manually.

Should we switch to the official ZLib ?

ZLib provided by NDK or Android causes issues with some programs (e.g. NodeJS). We decided to switch to the official implementation but before doing this we need to add zlib as dependency where needed.

JFrog's position regarding custom licenses

Fornwall has received reply from JFrog that there is a "Request new OSS license type" button on Bintray, and we should try it. There no guarantee that license request will be accepted.

Android Q disallows execve()

Android Q introduces new SELinux rules that disallow execution of binaries in the writable application data directory.

There several ways to omit the restrictions:

  • Putting binaries to native library directory inside APK.
  • Using proot.
  • Using QEMU (system-mode).
  • Compiling binaries as shared libraries and implementing custom loader for them.

All methods working, but all methods have their own disadvantages. Also there a question how viable are they in long-term.

We decided to wait at least until final version of Android Q will be released.