Community Rules

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Revision as of 11:04, 11 July 2021 by Xeffyr (talk | contribs) (Separate page for rules. It will be protected from unauthorized editing and will be included into page "Community")
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Official communities are curated by @termux developers or by trusted person. Each community follows these rules with no exceptions unless specified otherwise:

1. Please use English.

Our community is international and English here is a standardized language which makes easier to follow conversations.

2. Remember that Termux is not a hacking or phishing tool.

Discussions representing Termux as a hacking or phishing tool are strongly discouraged. Termux has never been developed for such purposes. Therefore if you are interested in hacking, phishing, using Kali Linux tools - you are on your own.

Publications violating this rule will be deleted. Users violating this rule may receive a permanent ban.

3. No insults and explicitly toxic behavior.

No explicitly toxic, offensive behavior in conversations.

Publications violating this rule will be deleted. Users violating this rule may receive a temporary or permanent ban. Violation is confirmed only if user behavior can be determined as 100% offensive.

4. No off-topic.

Our communities are solely about Termux, its use cases, usage experience and content produced by community members.

Everything else, including device rooting, custom ROMs, custom kernels, troubleshooting your Android OS, networking, programming issues, etc is considered as off-topic. If you really need to resolve an issue not related to Termux, please seek for other communities more suitable for your case.

Publications violating this rule will be deleted. Subsequent violations will lead to ban.